
TouchDesigner Asset
! Under development !

PiKit is a toolkit for Touchdesigner, providing a quick and easy workflow for creating parametric design visuals through a variety of tools and GLSL-based components.

Although the toolkit is currently under development and is not released yet, one of its components 'PiCompositor' is currently available for Touchdesigner users.

Ways to Support

As a creative developer who loves building tools alongside creating art, I'm looking forward to not only share some of my useful tools with the community, but also put work on further developing the ones that are already released.

However, as you may know developing these tools comes with a lot of work, time and effort for the best outcome and having little to no financial return, doesn't provide the necessary fuel for the development to run with a convenient pace.

So in case you find this tool useful and you would want to back me on the mission, please support me via buying some of my NFTs or donate any amount digital coin to my Tezos Wallet. If this method does not work for you, yet you still wish to contribute, send me an email.

In case you like my arts but you don't necessarily wish to contribute any monetary but community-based value, I'd highly appreciate if you could follow me on Social media (Instagram, Twitter) and share any of my artworks that you like through any ways you wish to spread my voice.

Thank you very much in advance!